Using physics to help select a racquet

Rankings: Torque rankings

Low Torque is good because it means the force twisting the hand backward on impact is low and therefore arm stress is low. The rankings under the five benchmark conditions were weighted according to the severity of the Torque under each, then summed to get the total. The most severe Torque was under the Second Benchmark Condition (110 mph serve). To see the range of Torque values under each of the Benchmark Conditions, click here. The ranking is from best (Prince Graphite Classic OS) to worst (Fischer GDS Take Off 1210).

Rank Racquet
1 Prince Graphite Classic OS
2 Head i.Prestige Mid
3 Babolat Pure Control
4 Cayman Catalyst II
5 Cayman Pro Heat II
6 Pro Kennex Kinetic Pro 5g
7 Yonex RD Ti-70 88
8 Volkl C10 Pro
9 Babolat VS Control
10 Prince Triple Threat Warrior MP
11 Cayman Catalyst II Pro
12 Head Classic MP
13 Yonex RD Ti-70 Long 98
14 Yonex Ultimum RD Ti-50
15 Cayman Pro Smash II
16 Wilson Hyper Pro Staff Zone 7.1
17 Cayman Pro Talis II
18 Yonex Muscle Power 3i
19 Wilson Hyper Pro Staff 6.1 MP Stretch
20 Yonex MP Tour-1 Mid
21 Wilson Pro Staff Original 6.0 85
22 Yonex Ultimum RD Ti-80
23 Head i.Prestige MP
24 Wilson Hyper Pro Staff 6.1 MP
25 Prince Triple Threat Rebel MP
26 Fischer Pro No. One
27 Cayman Excel Comp II
28 Babolat Pure Control +
29 Pro Kennex Kinetic Pro 7g
30 Slazenger Pro Braided
31 Yonex MP Tour-1 MP
32 Prince Triple Threat Graphite Mid
33 Dunlop 300G 98
34 Prince Triple Threat Warrior OS
35 Babolat Pure Drive
36 Prince Triple Threat Graphite OS
37 Prince Triple Threat Graphite MP
38 Yonex Ultimum RD Ti-50 Long
39 Prince Triple Threat Vendetta MP
40 Prince Graphite Classic MP
41 Volkl V1 Classic
42 Volkl Quantum 10 Tour
43 Fischer Pro Tour FT Air Carbon Ti
44 Volkl Quantum 10 RAP
45 Yonex Ultimum RQ Ti-1500 Long 105
46 Wilson Hyper Pro Staff Surge 5.1
47 Head Classic Mid
48 Babolat Pure Power Zylon 360
49 Volkl Tour 10 Mid
50 Topspin TPC1000
51 Topspin CL 603
52 Topspin CL 633
53 Dunlop 200G 95
54 Fischer Pro Extreme
55 Wilson Hyper Pro Staff 6.5 MP
56 Yonex Ultimum RQ Ti-1700 Long 98
57 Prince Triple Threat Hornet MP
58 Head i.Radical OS
59 Wilson Triad Pro Staff 6.0 MP
60 Cayman Energizer II Pro
61 Babolat Pure Control Zylon 360
62 Volkl Quantum V1 MP
63 Cayman Pro Talis II Long
64 Head i.S2 MP
65 Babolat Soft Drive
65 Babolat Soft Power
67 Fischer GDS Rally FT Titanium
68 Volkl Quantum V1 OS
69 Prince Triple Threat Hornet OS
70 Prince Triple Threat Attitude MP
71 Wilson Hyper Pro Staff Extreme 6.7
72 Weed 3/4 Weed XL
73 Prince Triple Threat Vendetta OS
74 Head i.Prestige MP XL
75 Dunlop Spirit 100
76 Prince Triple Threat Scream OS
77 Volkl Tour 8
78 Head i.extreme MP
79 Head i.Radical MP
80 Pro Kennex Core 1 No. 20
81 Cayman Energizer II
82 Volkl C-10 Pro OS
83 Prince Triple Threat Bandit MP
84 Volkl Catapult 3
85 Head i.S9 OS
86 Pro Kennex Type S
87 Volkl Quantum Force
88 Head i.Speed MP
89 Head i.S18
90 Wilson Hyper Hammer 5.2 MP
91 Blackburne Excalibur Ti 97
92 Prince Triple Threat Bandit OS
93 Volkl Quantum 5
94 Pro Kennex Ti Intensity PBT Reach
95 Babolat Pure Drive Zylon 360
96 Yonex Ultimum RQ Ti-1700 Long 110
97 Gosen Carbon Plus I
98 Wilson Hyper Hammer 6.3 Light OS
99 Weed T-Zone
100 Head i.S4 MP
101 Wilson Hyper Hammer 5.3 Stretch MP
102 Blackburne DS-107
103 Fischer GDS Spirit
104 Babolat VS Drive
105 Cayman Strike X
106 Dunlop Spirit 110
107 Head i.S2 OS
108 Wilson Hyper Hammer 6.3 Light MP
109 Wilson Hyper Hammer 6.3 MP
110 Wilson Hyper Hammer 5.2 OS
111 Prince Triple Threat Scream MP
112 Topspin CL 628
113 Volkl Catapult 2
114 Volkl Catapult 1
115 Pro Kennex Kinetic Pro 15g
116 Volkl Quantum 8 RAP
117 Fischer GDS Spice
118 Blackburne Excalibur Ti 107
119 Dunlop Vision 102
120 Wilson Hyper Hammer 6.3 OS
121 Prince Triple Threat Attitude OS
122 Dunlop Vision 110
123 Prince More Game OS
124 Prince More Thunder OS
125 Prince More Game MP
126 Dunlop Inferno 110
127 Cayman Airlite
128 Prince More Dominant OS
129 Pro Kennex Core 1 No. 22
130 Wilson Hyper Hammer 6.2 MP
131 Dunlop Inferno 118
132 Yonex Muscle Power 5i MP
133 Wilson Hyper Hammer 5.3 Stretch OS
134 Pro Kennex Core 1 No. 24
135 Head i.S10
136 Fischer GDS Take Off 710
137 Yonex V-Con 20
138 Yonex V-Con 20
139 Dunlop Inferno 104
140 Wilson Hyper Hammer 6.2 OS
141 Prince Triple Threat Sovereign OS
142 Babolat VS Power
143 Weed T-Zone Plus
144 Wilson Hyper Hammer 4.0 MP
145 Head i.S6 MP
146 Wilson Hyper Hammer 4.0 OS
147 Gosen Carbon 15
148 Head i.S4 OS
149 Gosen Tri Tube 400C
150 Wilson Hyper Hammer 2.7
151 Head i.S6 OS
152 Wilson Triad Hammer 5.0 OS
153 Wilson Triad Hammer 4.0 OS
154 Yonex Muscle Power 5i OS
155 Wilson Triad Hammer 5.0 MP
156 Wilson Triad Hammer 3.0
157 Babolat VS Nanotube Drive
158 Head i.S12
159 Yonex Ultimum RQ Ti-2000 Long 110
160 Babolat VS Nanotube Power
161 Wilson Triad Hammer 4.0 MP
162 Cayman Sidewinder Ti
163 Yonex Ultimum RQ Ti-2000 Long 120
164 Wilson Triad Hammer 2.0 w/Rollers
165 Fischer GDS Take Off 910
166 Cayman Energizer Ti
167 Fischer GDS Take Off 1210